Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mea-Med-Mod c:

Assalam'mualaikum, and hello again dear bloggers and readers. ^__^

     Today I'm gonna be explaining about the Mea-Med-Mod which i liked to call.. but it's just plainly a Mean, Median and Median tough . :B

Anyway, from my understanding:

  • Mean is an average which for e.g.

5, 4, 3, 2, 6

The number above is given. 
            (2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 ) ÷ 5  = 20

  • Step 1: Arrange the numbers from the smallest to the biggest number.
  • Step 2: Add all the arranged numbers
  • Step 3: Divide it by how many digit numbers are there, which are 5 digits (2,3,4,5,6)

    You'll be needing the arranged numbers in Range and Quartiles.

 Basically speaking, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 6 altogether is five digits which then the number digit of 5 is use to divide the number being added

Therefore, the answer for the mean is = 4.

"ArrangePlus, Divide and Voila!

Next is:-
  • Median is the middle of the integers.E.g.

Since the number above given is 2,3,4,5,6.
  • Step 1: Cancel from left then right. Left then right. It will be like this. 
2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  • Step 2: The one left behind is number which is the final answer.

  • Other than that, if the numbers given is for example are 6 digits. I'll be using new numbers.   
5, 10, 12, 20, 5, 5
  • Since the above is already been cancelled, 12 and 20 is left behind.
  • Step 1: Add both of the numbers left behind which is 12 and 20.
  • Step 2: Divide the numbers above with 2.
It will look something like this. 

Lastly, the Mode. 

  • Mode is find the most famous number or repeated  number
  • The number above which is: 
5, 10, 12, 20, 5, 5
  • The most repeated number above is 5, since the number 5 is repeated 3 times. 

Here's a cartoon based video about Mean, Median and Mode. C:

That's all the basic of Mean, Median and Mode.

Sorry for the long post, here's nyan cat version jigglypuff flying through space :3

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